Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D3, and Lysine HCl Suspension

SKU: 7efecffc10ed-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1-3-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-3-2 Category:


Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D3, and Lysine HCl Suspension refer to the category known as “multi-minerals” that is generally used to treat low blood calcium levels in the body. It is widely prescribed for the treatment of several conditions due to low calcium levels in the human body such as hypoparathyroidism (low levels of parathyroid hormone), osteoporosis (weak and brittle bones), and latent tetany (a muscle disease with low blood calcium levels), osteomalacia/rickets (weak bones).

Furthermore, Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D3, and Lysine HCl Suspension can also be given to pregnant, nursing, and postmenopausal women to ensure that they are getting enough calcium. Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D3, and Lysine HCl Suspension consist of three medicines, namely: Calcium carbonate (mineral), Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), and lysine (Amino Acid). Calcium carbonate is a mineral that is used to prevent or treat a calcium deficiency. It provides essential nutrients to maintain bone formation and maintenance. Vitamin D3 helps in the processing of crucial minerals in the body like Calcium and Phosphorus. Lysine is a building block of essential proteins that improve appetite and digestion.

Top Uses of Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D3, and Lysine HCl Suspension

Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D3, and Lysine HCl Syrup provide essential nutrients for bone health, support calcium absorption, and may offer additional benefits related to lysine supplementation.

  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteomalacia/Rickets
  • Calcium deficiency
  • Hypoparathyroidism

Key Medical Benefits

  • It is generally used to supplement dietary calcium intake
  • It promotes optimal bone health and overall calcium balance.
  • It plays a role in protein synthesis and tissue repair.
  • It supports bone health by providing the necessary nutrients for bone formation, mineralization, and maintenance.

Dosage and Administration

Take Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D3, and Lysine HCl Suspension as per the Healthcare provider’s prescription. It is usually prescribed by the doctor once or twice a day. Patients have to take medicine at the same time every:

  • The prescribed dose of medication should be taken by mouth.
  • Using the measuring cup provided by the pack.
  • Shake the bottle well before each use.

Storage Instructions

Storage is essential for keeping medicine safe, store the suspension according to the mentioned instructions in the package label, here are the general instructions for storage:

  • keep all medication out of reach of children and pets.
  • Store in a Cool Place
  • Store in a Dry Place
  • Away from sunlight
  • Keep the bottle tightly closed when not in use
  • Do not freeze the medication
  • Do not use expired medication or medication that appears discolored or has particles in it.

Precautions and Warnings

Use of this Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D3, and Lysine HCl Suspension should be under the supervision and guidance of a qualified healthcare professional:

  • The syrup should not be taken if you are breastfeeding.
  • It is not advised to drink alcohol while using this medication.
  • Do not drive or operate machinery.
  • If you have a liver impairment or any concerns consult your, doctor
  • Consult your doctor, if you have kidney impairment or any concerns.

Side Effects of Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D3, and Lysine HCl Suspension

Dosage, administration instructions, guidelines, and potential side effects may vary depending on the specific product and the individual’s medical condition. Usually, the side effects go away on time, but if symptoms worsen contact your healthcare provider or doctor.

  • Diarrhoea
  • Stomach pain
  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Allergies

Frequently Asked Questions

How to store Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D3, and Lysine HCl Suspension?

Store the syrup at room temperature away from moisture and heat. Keep the bottle tightly closed when not in use. Do not freeze the medication, and keep it out of reach of children and pets.

What should I do if I miss a dose of Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D3, and Lysine HCl Suspension?

If you miss a dose of Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D3, and Lysine HCL Syrup, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule.

What are the side effects of Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D3, and Lysine HCl Suspension?

Like other medications, it also has some side effects that are Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, Constipation, and stomach pain.